Original Item: One Only. This is a stroll down memory lane; an absolutely untouched original .22 cal Gun Cleaning Kit, "Outers Gunslick Rifle Kit" from the 1950s or ealry 1960s. Steel hinged quality red case containing cleaning rod in three sections, wire brush, can of gun oil, bottle of solvent in original cardboard box, similar original cardboard box of Gun Patches and small tube of something or other related. Tin with full instructions printed onto the inside of the steel lid. The Red Tin Set comes enclosed in its original cardboard "outer" carton completely covered in illustrated advertisements for the enclosed cleaning set. Additionally enclosed, a sales receipt dated May 14th, 1968 from a gun shop in Chicago for the sale of a .22 cal Marlin Bolt Action Rifle for $ 46.95. No doubt the cleaning kit was a supplementary purchase. Plainly never used. How many of us had just this set when we were given our very first Gun?